Monday 21 September 2009

Hair where?

Ah! Clarification! Herstorian has been confused by hair etiquette for years and finally - Thank God! - the fashion world has come to the rescue. Apparently, hair is good! - desirable, even - when it is on one's head, on one's feet, and costs a lot. Legs, pits and cunts still off-limits, though, ladies! So don't throw away that Nair! And by-god don't cancel that Brazilian with the scary woman with a fierce belief in the aesthetics of no eyebrows, slicked-back hair, and the liberal application of lip liner (How else would she terrify a gal into getting into positions no person with any respect for the dignity of the human body would consider? "Now lift your legs and spread your.....").

Seriously, though. When and why did hair there become such a big deal? This certainly isn't a new phenomenon. Female nudes have traditionally never had hair. Gustave Courbet was one of the first artists to ever show a female nude with pubic hair and he was practically rode out of the Paris Salon on a rail. (Herstorian has a bit of a crush on Gustave.)  The little girl look, however, has seemed to take on a new, different kind of resonance in recent years. Herstorian watched an old episode of Sex and the City - that avatar of modern heterosexual relations - recently in which a major story line revolves around the naughtiness, the strangeness, of a no-hair-there situation. Ten years later the baby girl look is not only desirable, but common, acceptable, the norm even. Herstorian wonders if this isn't a reaction to women getting more power, being more independent, and putting less stock in their relationships with men. Scary for the boys, who need to make their women girls again. Scary too, for the women, who just want to be girls again, when daddy, grampy, uncle or Prince Charming would make everything okay. Maybe we're just talking through modern gender relations with our twats. 

In the interest of full disclosure, Herstorian herself has left Brazil long ago and moved to Hollywood. Discuss.


  1. Herstorian strikes again! Fabulous post.... perfect pitch, and love the personlity you're giving to Herstorian. It's almost like you're creating a fiction character here, and I LOVE her, her voice and her views! Fantastic.

  2. Let's just say my hair is 60s-retro-chic. Machete-style
